ROOFTOP YOGA 20.6.2024
ROOFTOP YOGA 20.6.2024
Dear Yogis, we warmly invite you to celestial harmony ~ magical evening where body and mind unite under the open sky.
Begin your journey with serene yet dynamic rooftop yoga session where we will flow together as the sun sets, embracing the moment as it is. After our practice, nurish yourself with a gourmet, light dinner, crafted to delight your senses by Cuvee team. Think of it as a reward for all those downward dogs and warrior poses during lesson with Kami.
Whether you can balance on one finger or you are a professional wobbler ~ all skill levels are welcome. Join us for an unforgettable evening of peace, community and culinary bliss.
Pristavna 1, Plynarenska 4937/6, Bratislava
18:30-18:50 Arrival (free parking in area of building)
19:00-20:00 Yoga
20:00-21:00 Dinner & Chill
~ please bring your own yogamat and small blanket
~ purchased ticket are non-refundable but transferable
~ in case of bad weather event will take place inside of the building
Mili yogis, s radostou vas pozyvame zazit nebesku harmoniu ~ magicky podvecer, kde sa telo a mysel stretnu pod holym nebom.
Zacneme pokojnou, ale aj dynamickou yoga session na streche, kde sa budeme spolocne vlnit pri zapade slnka, vitat moment taky, aky je. Po praxi sa vyzivime gurmanskou no zaroven lahkou vecerou, vytvorenou tak aby potesila vase zmysly od Cuvee Teamu. Mozeme to ponat ako odmenu za vsetkych psov tvarou dole a bojovnikov pocas lekcie s Kami.
Ci uz dokazes balansovat na jednej ruke, alebo si profesionalny zaciatocnik ~ vsetci su vitani. Pripoj sa k nam na nezabudnutelny vecer plny pokoja, komunity a kulinarskeho zazitku.
Pristavna 1, Plynarenska 4937/6, Bratislava
18:30-18:50 Prichod (parking zadarmo okolo budovy)
19:00-20:00 Yoga
20:00-21:00 Dinner & Chill
~ prosim prines si vlastnu podlozku na cvicenie a malu deku
~ zakupene miesta su nevratne ale prenosne
~ v pripade nepriazniveho pocasia bude event presunuty do krytej miestnosti v budove
Cuveé ~ Kami