I share my love and dedication of practice
with love and gratitude, Kami
“Three weeks of daily practice with Kami as a guardian angel. Sadhana is truly magical experience that shows you what your body and mind are capabe of when you dedicate the time. My yoga practice really changed after this experience, as it showed me how to listen to my body and how I can adjust the practice for my needs. Thank you Kami, for sharing the knowledge and being the best support and inspiration. Love.”
~ Jarka
"Sadhana with Kami in Thailand was an unforgettable experience. Kami has the gift of empathy that she brings to the practice, which means an experience that reaches into the soul. Additionally, Kami strives for the utmost comfort for her clients, which brings a sense of safeness combined with a feeling of freedom to the whole experience. Thank you, xoxo"
"Dakujem Kami za uzasnu podporu, pomoc pri cviceni a dakujem nielen za bohovsku nadupanu Sadhanu v Thajsku, ale najma za to, ze ma ucis praxovat yogu napriek vsetkym mojim zdravotnym obmedzeniam a vidim, ze to ma zmysel a drzi ma to pokope."
"Dear Kami, I would like to share my beautiful experience I had thanks to you. After my last yoga class, I decided to try just a small part of bodylove in shavasana, that I learned during the workshop with you. I felt, that the client needed such a special touch. After that she really thanked me and said, that she excatly needed this and she really liked it. So thank you Kami, for teaching me and helping me to be better."
"Thank you for our three weeks of Sadhana with final 50-hours YACEP certification. I feel progress after every lesson, which you prepared specially for my needs. I take valuable knowledge for both my personal practice and teaching. So thankful for this opportunity and super happy for the experience. You are a treasure. Let's continue!"
"Profesionalne zorganizovy jogovy pobyt od zaciatku az do konca. Vyber lokality, ubytovania a jogovych sal bol vynikajuci. Denny program bol vyvazeny, zahrnal prax v asanach, pranajame ale aj doplnenie o vzdelavanie v zakladnych principoch a definicie ashtangy. Velmi pekne uchopene a osobite, co z pohybu urobilo nezabudnutelny zazitok. Tesim sa na buduci rok, kde urcite nebudem chybat. Dakujem."
"This is what came to my mind right now, it may be a review maybe not, I don’t think you have any idea how much you made an impact in my life. I don’t think you are aware."
"I participated in Sadhana in Thailand for the second time, after completing the first one. Sadhana 2024 took my breath away. Again. Engage in daily practice which includes daily breathing exercises, meditation and finally practicing asanas, which Kami helped me understand completely. I met wonderful group of people, like-minded and that is a real gift nowadays. Thank you Kami for doing things the way you do. You devote yourself to us with open heart but also with the right amount of teacher attitude. I can't wait for 2025."
"Sadhana bola pre mna darom a zmenila moju prax aj mna. Vlozila si do nej hlbku stanovenim ciela. Pre mna osobneho preneseneho do praxe. Dakujem za nu, co do toho vkladas, za sprevadzanie mojou praxou a zivotom."